
18 Jun 2024

YELDO Announces Early Repayment from Mas d’en Bruno Luxury Hospitality Investment

YELDO, the European group specializing in institutional-grade real estate deals, is pleased to announce the early repayment of its investment in luxury hospitality project Gran Hotel Mas d’en Bruno.

Sponsor of the project is The Stein Group, one of the world’s specialists in the development and management of luxury hotels, with over 20 properties under management in nine countries. The initiative involved professional investors subscribing to a senior secured bond. The investment totaled EUR 9 million and generated a 10% annualized return, with quarterly distribution payments and an early repayment after 12 months.

The project aimed at supporting the development of Gran Hotel Mas d’en Bruno as a premier hospitality destination in Priorat, one of Spain’s most renowned wine regions. Throughout the year, YELDO Group collaborated closely with The Stein Group to ensure the project's successful development.

Project Highlights

Gran Hotel Mas d’en Bruno, celebrated as one of the world's top 100 new hotels by Travel+Leisure, is renowned for its exceptional wine heritage and breathtaking natural scenery. The Relais & Chateau property is housed in a meticulously restored estate with over five centuries of history, offering an elegant retreat surrounded by picturesque vineyards and mountains.

Lorenzo Belloni, Chief Investment Officer of YELDO Group, expressed his satisfaction with the early repayment and the collaboration with The Stein Group. "This successful investment exit demonstrates the strength of our partnership and the strategic vision we held for this project. We are proud to have delivered strong returns for our investors in a short period."

David Stein, Chairman of The Stein Group, also commented: “When it comes to dealing with financial institutions to secure debt, equity, or anything in between, they all have the same product - money. It is the quality and character of their people that sets the best above the rest. It has been a pleasure to work with the Yeldo Dream Team on this transaction and to have gotten to know them as people as well as professionals.”

The YELDO Group

After the repayment of Mas d’en Bruno, YELDO Group has completed 14 investment exits, boasting a historical average annualized return of 14.6%. Antonio Borgonovo, CEO of YELDO Group, commented, "We are delighted to announce the exit of our first operation in Spain, following our previous achievements in Italy and Switzerland. This early exit, accomplished alongside an institutional partner like The Stein Group, affirms the quality of our investment proposals. This success reinforces our mission to provide direct access to institutional-grade investment opportunities through technology."

The Group's activities continue to focus on building asset-backed investment products that reflect the characteristics sought by professional investors: extreme attention to the quality of the underlying collateral, risk-return balance, and the use of protection mechanisms on capital and returns.

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